Caller Information 

0818935111 / 081-893-5111 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Anthony Brennan
According to 1 people
Prank Caller
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 081/893/5111 - 081.893.5111 - 0818935111 - 081 893 5111
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0818935111 User Reports

0 Votes
15th Nov, 2011 by BarnBarn
Reported Number: 081-893-5111
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I've just found out that the number above is from an alarm monitoring system. they are dialling this number to ensure that the line is working. they need only dial it once a night but they were dialling several times a day. If you have an alarm ring the company to check it out.
0 Votes
8th Dec, 2010 by Anthony Brennan
Reported Number: 0818935111
Caller type: Prank Caller
Phone owner: Anthony Brennan
When the call is answered and there is just a noise on the line and nobody there

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