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1015158000 / 101-515-8000 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 101/515/8000 - 101.515.8000 - 1015158000 - 101 515 8000
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1015158000 User Reports

0 Votes
16th Jan, 2011 by Julie
Reported Number: 101-515-8000
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
My boyfriend recieved a charge for calling this number on his AT&T home phone bill. Either one of us recall calling this number but we both have Verizon cellular contracts and I have a CitiBank account. The charge was $4.99 for a one minute call. Obviously, AT&T would be raking in some profits if everyone got this additional charge for a number that connects to nothing!
0 Votes
20th Dec, 2009 by MS.B
Reported Number: 1015158000
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I was calling customer service at Verizon and was told the new number was 1015158000. I just dialed it back and received a recording for international directory assistance. What is that all about?
0 Votes
15th Dec, 2009 by nurserobinson
Reported Number: 101-515-8000
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: unk.
My initial report is below on this site. To follow up with the info, I received my landline statement and see where I am charged a total of approximately $7.00 for that call. No doubt there is nothing I can do about it other than pay it which I dislike and feel it totally unnecessary. Oh well.
0 Votes
15th Dec, 2009 by DM
Reported Number: 1015158000
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I tried to call Capital One with the number listed on the back of my card and was directed to call 101-515-8000. I did not connect because it didn't seem legit.
0 Votes
10th Nov, 2009 by nurserobinson
Reported Number: 101-515-8000
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I received a call from KitchenAid leaving their number to call back reference repairs to my Commercial/ Professional Mixer. They had given me an 800# w/an extension to return their call; however, when I dialed it I was given the 1015158000 to call stating the 800# had been changed, etc. This is totally crazy and I have no clue as to how this would happen; makes absolutely no sense and I'd best not be billed some outrageous charge for such! What is America coming to? What a mess!

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