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1111487799 / 111-148-7799 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Text Message
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 111/148/7799 - 111.148.7799 - 1111487799 - 111 148 7799
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1111487799 User Reports

- 1 Votes
26th Jan, 2016 by Kenny
Reported Number: 111-148-7799
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Called my bank received this text message with this number and then saying that my bank had $246 in it and my credit card was ending in a different number I don't know who this is but I need this to stop
0 Votes
7th Jun, 2014 by I c u
Reported Number: 1111487799
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I have received this txt 3 different times in 3 different states after going into an AT&T store seeking advice about my Iphone.Through research I have discovered that numbers starting with 1111, 1(1) are made by ATT&T employee's posing as customer service..any txt messages with four digit numbers for example...(6459 or 444-9) are usually from AT&T-customer service..Google the number, whoever is monitoring your account activity the city and state will show up at the bottom of the page..
0 Votes
9th Jun, 2013 by Big boy09
Reported Number: 111-148-7799
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner:
For more info about using voicemail check online at I have had a number of these and they were text messages with links attached no biis though.
0 Votes
16th Oct, 2010 by Mongo
Reported Number: 1111487799
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
After several phone calls and complaints AT&T refused to change this text message to an email stating it could only be done via SMS (short message) to my phone. I filed a complaint with the FCC. They instantly changed it to email. Go here to put a stop to this irritant: Reference: 111-148-7799 1111487799
0 Votes
10th Jul, 2010 by Ronin
Reported Number: 111-148-7799
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Received yet another TXT at 4 AM stating "1111487799 : AT&T FREE MSG: AutoPay Enrollment Change Confirmation - conf #APCMAT########. Your change request has been processed." One main problem here: That's NOT my account number (I used #'s for the numbers on here) AND we did NOT change anything on our account or even pay our bill in the last few days, as it was paid 2 weeks ago. Sounds VERY fishy to me. Will be contacting AT&T directly asking them what's up, because this is clearly NOT for us and I'd like for the TXT's to STOP, especially when they are coming in between 2 AM and 6 AM CST! Also, TXTing them back does NOT work either, as I tried to send them a STOP message and it could not be sent to this number.
0 Votes
21st Jun, 2010 by Alain
Reported Number: 1111487799
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I also got the same sms message: Credit card payment confirmation #... for $5087.55 paid 06/21/10 posted to account ####### on 06//21/10 It has got to be something like fishing because none of my Credit Cards have such an high credit line
0 Votes
9th Mar, 2010 by unknown
Reported Number: 111-148-7799
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
text says: Credit card payment confirmation #... for $311.81 paid 3/9/10 posted to account xxx on 3/9/10
+ 1 Votes
27th May, 2009 by Mark
Reported Number: 1111487799
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
This should be legitimate. I get a text from the same number confirming my phone payments to AT&T.
0 Votes
1st Apr, 2009 by Brittney
Reported Number: 111-148-7799
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Text Message
I was sent a text message on April 1, 2009 saying "QPIVDT50258530 FOR $220.40 PAID 04/01/09 POSTED TO ACCOUNT 883974201 ON 04/01/09"

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