Caller Information 

2025575059 / 202-557-5059 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Judy M. Smith
According to 1 people
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 202/557/5059 - 202.557.5059 - 2025575059 - 202 557 5059
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2025575059 User Reports

0 Votes
4th Mar, 2010 by RMJ411
Reported Number: 202-557-5059
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Judy M. Smith
I received an e-mail that posted this Verizon telephone number. In the text of the e-mail they ask for money: "I will like you to please assist me with a soft loan of 13 hundred in British pounds(£1300)approximately 1,943.49 in USD.I need it urgently to sort-out my Cousin's bills, the hospital management is demanding for a deposit before they can invite a surgeon from Malaysia to carry out the surgery but she has been place on a temporary medical care prior the time we make the deposit.I know its been a longtime and i don't want you to see these like something else."

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