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2122601308 / 212-260-1308 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Prank Caller
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 212/260/1308 - 212.260.1308 - 2122601308 - 212 260 1308
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2122601308 User Reports

0 Votes
3rd May, 2010 by Rose
Reported Number: 212-260-1308
Caller type: Prank Caller
Phone owner: unknown
Caller does not answer, and when calling the number in return there is never an answer. This call was located in New York. Per information recieved Number listed to a Marzena Maloszycka at 278 First Ave. NY.NY. 10009-1826 Unsure if this information still correct. Others said was a util company, but there was nothing such as this per the call I recieved

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