Caller Information 

2137841638 / 213-784-1638 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Dept Collector
According to 1 people
Area Code
Los Angeles, California
Level 3 Communications, Llc Ca
Number Variations: 213/784/1638 - 213.784.1638 - 2137841638 - 213 784 1638
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2137841638 User Reports

0 Votes
19th Nov, 2008 by annoyed
Reported Number: 213-784-1638
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
It is a debt collector who said his toll free # was 888-953-7850 which is for the office below. Does not speak english well and very hard to understand. Landry & Jacobs, LLC 10211 North 32nd Street, Suite D-1 Phoenix, Arizona 85028 Phone 888.953.7850

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