Caller Information 

2149194176 / 214-919-4176 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Investigator Stone
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 214/919/4176 - 214.919.4176 - 2149194176 - 214 919 4176
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2149194176 User Reports

+ 1 Votes
7th Mar, 2011 by Cheryl
Reported Number: 214-919-4176
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Investigator Stone
Man saying he's from Potter County Investigation Bureau. Asking for employee. When asked him for his phone number he gave this number and said this is his personnel cell phone and he had just transferred in. When asked for a local phone number to confirm who he is, he said he could give me the 800 number. Called back the (214) number and a guy named Allen answered and said Citations. He was told to call employee at home if this concerns personnel business call, he tried convincing assistant that answered to phone to verify number we had to his number, but he wanted her to go first. Scam!!!!

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