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2269203642 / 226-920-3642 Reverse Phone Lookup

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not stated
According to 1 people
According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 226/920/3642 - 226.920.3642 - 2269203642 - 226 920 3642
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2269203642 User Reports

0 Votes
29th Jun, 2012 by Ann
Reported Number: 226-920-3642
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: not stated
Calls to confirm your mailing address & when questioned said that your company or city ordered a number of products & they were just calling to confirm where to deliver. When you state your company did not order any of the products - gets irate or states that someone else in your company must have ordered & you are just now aware. When product & invoice arrive, you cannot get any info on how to return products - then the harassing starts for non-payment of their invoice.

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