Caller Information 

2482836062 / 248-283-6062 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
According to 1 people
According to 3 people
Area Code
Detroit, Michigan
Xo Michigan, Inc.
Number Variations: 248/283/6062 - 248.283.6062 - 2482836062 - 248 283 6062
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2482836062 User Reports

0 Votes
30th Nov, 2008 by Chad Conn
Reported Number: 248-283-6062
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
********ATTENTION**************DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT answer this call from 248-283-6062They are calling to see if a HUMAN answers. Usually it's a recording that is made from a switchboard and then if a person answers they will try again, apologizing they have the wrong number. Then if so, they sell your number to another telemarketing firm, sometimes within minutes. That is what this company does as a business. Do not return the phone call either--usually an 800 number. This is how they get around the do not call list. They are not trying to sell you are the product!!!
0 Votes
30th Nov, 2008 by ME
Reported Number: 2482836062
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Female
I'm sor I must have the wrong number.
0 Votes
20th Nov, 2008 by Maggie
Reported Number: 248-283-6062
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
Received calls from this number that just hang up
0 Votes
22nd Oct, 2008 by Roger
Reported Number: 2482836062
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Telemarketing calling after hours and in violation of the number's Do-Not-Call governmental registration and U.S law
0 Votes
21st Oct, 2008 by Larry
Reported Number: 248-283-6062
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Robot voice
When I answered with my business name, I got a female robot voice which stated "I'm sorry, wrong number" before a hang up.
0 Votes
1st Oct, 2008 by Jan
Reported Number: 2482836062
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Caller ID "North American" Said "they had the wrong number."
0 Votes
26th Sep, 2008 by House of Flowers (Roy)
Reported Number: 248-283-6062
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
Received this call on business ohone number 909 483-9614 which is on Federal 'Do Not Call List'. Computer message, which was not understandable.
0 Votes
23rd Sep, 2008 by mc
Reported Number: 2482836062
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
they just confirmed that mine is a working number.... as i use my cel for work, this is what i did, i registered this number in my cel as NOOO ANSWER!!!, that way next time they call i wont answer.(to sad they already sold my number)
0 Votes
22nd Sep, 2008 by tim
Reported Number: 248-283-6062
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
called no one on line

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