Caller Information 

2533331372 / 253-333-1372 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
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Area Code
Auburn, Washington
Qwest Corporation Wa
Number Variations: 253/333/1372 - 253.333.1372 - 2533331372 - 253 333 1372
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2533331372 User Reports

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22nd Jan, 2009 by Michael
Reported Number: 253-333-1372
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Caller called a number at my facility that was unassigned, so comes to the reception desk. They asked for a name I didn't know, so I told them there was nobody at this location with that name. The person asked they had called the right number, I told them we had over 300 numbers and that they had reached one that was unassigned, therefore it came to me. She asked if this was a place of business (duh!) to which I told her yes. She asked what business and I told her. She hung up and called again, and I answered. She said this wasn't a business and that it wasn't funny playing a practical joke. I told her she was right, that it wasn't funny, and said goodbye and hung up. She called back multiple times and hung up when I answered. I called the number (we have caller ID for phone numbers but it doesn't say *who* is calling) from my cell and when she answered I asked what company she worked for. She asked what my name and number was, ignoring my question, and I told her I wanted to know what company she worked for. She said she couldn't say until she could get my name and number (which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, obviously an attempt to get my information without giving hers) and I told her no, I wanted the company name. She yelled "HAVE A NICE DAY!" and hung up. Guess she understands MY frustration now. lol I'm leaving this on several "report a call" url's so if you read the same one, it's because I want the word to get out on this number.

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