Caller Information 

3172428053 / 317-242-8053 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Shaun Hawkins
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 317/242/8053 - 317.242.8053 - 3172428053 - 317 242 8053
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3172428053 User Reports

0 Votes
21st Mar, 2017 by Ashley
Reported Number: 317-242-8053
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: ashley
I used to be friends with this guy. Since then, he has turned into a drug addict. He constantly calls to find out where he can find cocaine for himself and heroin for his girlfriend Amber Thayer. Like I said, we used to be friends. Don't accept any phone calls from this guy. He is only trying to buy drugs for him and his pink haired tramp.
0 Votes
31st Jan, 2011 by Bob Watkins
Reported Number: 3172428053
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Shaun Hawkins
keeps calling and when he doesn't get an answer signs your number up for telemarketers to contact you at all times of the day.

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