Caller Information 

4127045411 / 412-704-5411 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
TCG Pittsburgh Inc.
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 412/704/5411 - 412.704.5411 - 4127045411 - 412 704 5411
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4127045411 User Reports

0 Votes
23rd Feb, 2011 by just me
Reported Number: 412-704-5411
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
repeatedly calls me for no fn reason
0 Votes
5th Feb, 2011 by John
Reported Number: 4127045411
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: TCG Pittsburgh Inc.
To follow up on the report of Susanne Pearson of 11-18-10, TCG Pittsburgh Inc. is another name for AT&T (also TCG New Jersey Inc.). My understanding is that they are currently represented by the Painter Law Firm ([email protected]) and my a man named Keffer ([email protected]). Consider an email to one or both of these entities (a) complaining about what TCG Pittsburgh Inc. is doing, (b) demanding that they stop, and (c) indicating an intent to follow up with the Pennsylvania Utilities Commission if they do not stop.
0 Votes
18th Nov, 2010 by Susanne Pearson
Reported Number: 412-704-5411
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I looked up number on "" and it is listed as a "landline" and the carrier is TCG Pittsburgh, Inc. There is no listing in the phone book and no listing found via Google, etc. for TGC Pittsburgh, Inc. So annoying. I get these calls all day long and when I dial back I get nothing - just dead air.

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