Caller Information 

4155189342 / 415-518-9342 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 415/518/9342 - 415.518.9342 - 4155189342 - 415 518 9342
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4155189342 User Reports

0 Votes
19th Jan, 2011 by Sandra
Reported Number: 415-518-9342
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: none
Upon answering this phone call, you get a recorded message saying you have an important phone call, please hold. Another recorded message comes on asking if you want to consolidate your credit card debt. Once, I pressed the button to talk to an operator. When I said I didn't have any credit cards and asked them to remove me from their call list, he hung up on me.
0 Votes
19th Jan, 2011 by jp
Reported Number: 4155189342
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
they are rude and i have asked them not to call me and the cuss at me !

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