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4163679222 / 416-367-9222 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 2 people
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Number Variations: 416/367/9222 - 416.367.9222 - 4163679222 - 416 367 9222
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4163679222 User Reports

0 Votes
6th Jan, 2011 by SB
Reported Number: 416-367-9222
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
Same as the othere people said. We called her back and asked for her employee number and she hung up imediately after. Very strange lady!
- 1 Votes
16th Jul, 2010 by s
Reported Number: 4163679222
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: unknown
exactly the same as above, and has called a couple of years ago her name is Patricia
+ 1 Votes
19th Jun, 2010 by Chels
Reported Number: 416-367-9222
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
Caller phoned regarding a "possible article on our Business" and then turned into a sales for advertising. Person became Irate and started using foul language. Now "prank calls" the business asking absurd questions and then hanging up. Her name is Patricia. And she apparently works for City Magazine. Please report this number.

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