Caller Information 

4166468801 / 416-646-8801 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
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Area Code
Toronto, Ontario
Allstream Corp.
Number Variations: 416/646/8801 - 416.646.8801 - 4166468801 - 416 646 8801
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4166468801 User Reports

0 Votes
24th Apr, 2009 by ufo
Reported Number: 416-646-8801
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Just curious, for those getting these calls where no one is on the other line... are you also getting telemarketing calls from Bell Canada? Phone calls from 416-646-8801 started around the same time Bell Canada started me on their auto dialer list. I heard sometimes phone numbers like this 416-646-8801 are setup just to see when people are most often home... then the information is used by companies like Bell Canada so their telemarketers know when to call!!

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