Caller Information 

4693686425 / 469-368-6425 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Nathan Moore
According to 2 people
Dept Collector
According to 3 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 469/368/6425 - 469.368.6425 - 4693686425 - 469 368 6425
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4693686425 User Reports

0 Votes
22nd Apr, 2011 by going to sue !!
Reported Number: 469-368-6425
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
receiving verbals threats and asking if my wife is at home !!!!! i'm going to sue his client for much more then then he trying to collect ... he is an A..
0 Votes
12th Jan, 2011 by sg
Reported Number: 4693686425
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Nathan Moore
Don't know who he is working for but he is harrasing my family and neighbors.
0 Votes
14th Dec, 2010 by MAUII
Reported Number: 469-368-6425
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Nathan Moore
This person is harassing people that has nothing to do with me because he is fishing for more information of how to contact me but doesnt offer any information and expects random people to offer information that they have nothing to do with and know nothing about. I want this person and his company to stop the calls now and if they continue I will file reports with the authorities and the court house to get a restraining order along with other necessary means I feel appropriate until they learn how to contact me directly once they have the correct facts...dont expect me to offer anything to you if you dont know what you are talking about...If they continue in this way they will never get anything accomplished and belive me when I say I will be fileing complaints all day long every single day till it is known in the universe that this company is unethical and doesnt know how to handle business in the appropriate way . I hope you are reading this message Burt & Associates....Nathan Moore because you now have to worry about the things you can not control. Start contact the right people after you get all the facts of your customers...and double check their authenticity before you start making calls that are unfounded
+ 2 Votes
20th Nov, 2009 by Holly Williams
Reported Number: 4693686425
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: keith morrison
very rude states requires immediate attention

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