Caller Information 

4843510500 / 484-351-0500 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Frederic I. Weinberg
According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 484/351/0500 - 484.351.0500 - 4843510500 - 484 351 0500
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4843510500 User Reports

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26th Mar, 2011 by Fraudbuster
Reported Number: 484-351-0500
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Frederic I. Weinberg
GORDON & WEINBERG are nothing but a couple of guys who have law degrees from schools no one has heard of and cannot make living from their law pratice so they take accounts that are many years old and they try and trick people into thinking they owe someone money but most of what they say to do it is pure crap. It sounds like they use a telemarketing company in Nigeria and the so called law firm does not even have someone to answer the phone or any way to leave a message for these deadbeat lawers. When I have talked to them on the phone they say thay cannot discuss why they are calling without me giving the my SSN. They are not even licensed to do business in Florida where I live but that does not stop them they are completely dishonest

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