Caller Information 

4847921513 / 484-792-1513 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Tony Gallo
According to 3 people
According to 2 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 484/792/1513 - 484.792.1513 - 4847921513 - 484 792 1513
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4847921513 User Reports

0 Votes
8th Jun, 2009 by Chris
Reported Number: 484-792-1513
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Tony Gallo
Also got a call from this number to my law office. He said, "Counsel, how are you. Call Tony Gallo. I'm at 484-792-1513. I'm in from 10 to 4." No other information was left as to who he was or what he wanted.
0 Votes
12th Jan, 2009 by Ryan
Reported Number: 4847921513
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Tony Gallo
Funny that Harry said Tony Gallo had a NY or South Philly accent--my Tony Gallo was obviously black. These guys are pretending to raise money for the Norristown Police. Since when do police take money outside of tax dollars???
0 Votes
8th Jan, 2009 by orlotron
Reported Number: 484-792-1513
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Tony Gallo
He Left two VMs - "Call Tony Gallo - I'm in from 8:00 to 4:00" Call Center noise and voices in background.

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