Caller Information 

5138988472 / 513-898-8472 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Area Code
Cincinnati, Ohio
Teleport Commun Group Oh
Number Variations: 513/898/8472 - 513.898.8472 - 5138988472 - 513 898 8472
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5138988472 User Reports

+ 1 Votes
20th Jan, 2011 by nick anderson
Reported Number: 513-898-8472
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
i did not pick up the phone because i did not know who it was
+ 1 Votes
18th Jan, 2011 by Sharon Olthaus
Reported Number: 5138988472
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I did not answer the phone b/c I did not recognize the number, but found this site on the internet.

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