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5593164081 / 559-316-4081 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Dept Collector
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Number Variations: 559/316/4081 - 559.316.4081 - 5593164081 - 559 316 4081
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5593164081 User Reports

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13th Jul, 2010 by K.A.E-G.
Reported Number: 559-316-4081
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Eric
============================ ***** C-O-M-P-L-A-I-N-T ***** ============================ The END-USERS of either this COLLECTION BUREAU and/or the TECHNOLOGY software-hardware-firmware from BCR have to do something to program their software to not wake people up in the early hours of the morning before the normal business Day hours!!! People robbed of early morning sleep ought to file a CLASS-ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST some of the BCR clients who abuse the people they are trying to track down, and especially WRONG PARTIES!!! UNSCRUPULOUS! IF this is actually a branch or a set of independent sub-contractors to what appears to be a DEBT COLLECTION COMPANY, their behavior is very UNPROFESSIONAL, RUDE, POORLY-TRAINED, and could have better handled each of the calls back to them to try to resolve whatever it was that they had been telephoning our home phone to accomplish. I had caller I.D. I called back to (559) 316-4081. The call was answered by an automated system, which states: "Thank you for calling BCR..." Then there is another sentence in the greeting that mentions something like: “This call may be monitored…” I looked up "BCR" & "B.C.R." on the Internet and found that it could stand for: "BUREAU OF COLLECTION RECOVERY, INC." 7575 Corporate Way Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Toll Free Contact: 1-800-831-7311 BCR turns out to be both a third-party DEBT COLLECTOR, and ALSO a SELLER and a SERVICE BUREAU of its own CORRECT PEOPLE VERIFICATION TECHNOLOGY and services to other Debt Collectors, Debt Collection Agencies, Telemarketers, etc, and their services and patented products help them to ferret-out whoever they want to find, so that they are not knowingly harassing the wrong people, and they also use their hand-off technology to go from the service bureau to the collection agency collector who is personally-assigned to the person. They also use special technology of their own to get around call-blocking technologies of people who do not want to be harassed. Unfriendly - Unhelpful - Secretive - Impolite - They Hang-Up when you ask them who they are, what their company name “BCR” stands for. They will not help you resolve whatever it is that they want out of you. They hang up each time you call back to ask them what they want of you. The voices appear to be those of young people, but true ages of the speakers can be difficult to accurately discern. They also seem young, because they do not appear to know how to answer questions and just hang up on the one who calls them back. From Different Web Sites I Learned the following about the phone number: (559) 316-4081: Other Formats: (559)316-4081, 559.316.4081, 559/316-4081, 5593164081 Type: Land Line Time Zone: Pacific Prefix (559) 316- is leased by Level 3 Communications Switch: FRSMCA15DS0 City: Fowler, California Fowler, CA is a city of 3,979 people living in 1,277 housing units. The city of Fowler is around 2.025 square miles. Fowler is surrounded by Visalia, Parlier, Avenal, Porterville, Grant Grove, Tulare, Miramonte-Pinehurst, Squaw Valley, Three Rivers, Mendota, Clovis, Badger, Lemoore, Hanford, Madera, Selma, Terra Bella, Reedley, Dunlap, Pixley, San Joaquin, Alpaugh, Fresno, Stratford, Fowler, Chowchilla and Dinuba. *********************************************************************** The BCR we take technology seriously, from our top of the line Avaya Mosaix predictive dialing systems, our NEC PBX, to our multi-platform collections applications, our sofisticated high speed voice and data networks, through to our use of the UniversalSystems™Accelerator. *********************************************************************************** Products & Services Overview THE UniversalSystems Accelerator/ASP Predictive dialers have revolutionized the outbound call center industry since their introduction in the early 1980’s by reducing costs and increasing productivity. The key benefit that predictive dialers provide is the reduction of unproductive tasks associated with an outbound dial. By ensuring that call center staff receive a steady flow of calls initiated by the dialer, 400% productivity gains are routine. Some major barriers still remain. For example, how do you ensure that your agents are talking to the right party? Also, how do you get the right parties to toe agents best able to deal with them? Additionally, what can be done about the plethora of call blocking technologies that seriously erode the ability of a dialer to reach a substantial portion (10% or more) of our customers. The UniversalSystems® Accelarator/ASP and Privacy Navigator6m address these problems and represent the latest advances in the use of predictive dialing technology. UniversalSystems® incorporates concepts and methods that result in productivity gains never before achieved by predictive dialers. UniversalSystems® will substantially benefit your organization by providing significant payroll and infrastructure savings and simultaneously add revenue gains to your company’s bottom line. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE UniversalSystems Accelerator/ASP 1-888-293-8573 7575 Corporate Way Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 David Winters, President 2004 News March 31, 2004 – Additional US patent issued for UniversalSystems for right party distribution and servicing New patent granted to UniversalSystems for methods and systems in servicing and distributing right party contacts generated by predictive dialers. This patent has particular relevance to the Application Service Provicer (outsourcing) environment. March 31, 2004, Minneapolis, MN – UniversalSystems today announced that the US patent office have issued patent number 6,621,900 covering methods and systems embodied in the UniversalSystems Accelerator/ASP. The UniversalSystems Accelerator/ASP is based on a staffed deployment of the UniversalSystems Accelarator, software that improves the efficacy and effectiveness of outbound call centers using predictive dialers. The basis of these improvements is in the system’s unique ability to screen all voice contacts delivered by a dialer and to put only Right Party Contacts (RPCs) through to a company’s experienced collectors and telemarketers. The solution can be deployed in one of two ways: By using a existing dialer or by utilizing UniversalSystems’ dialers. In either approach, operators at UniversalSystems screen the outbound call and pass RPCs to a companies’ collectors. Since dealing with wrong parties typically accounts for at least 50% of an agent’s time, screening out wrong parties reduces the number of agents required for an outbound campaign while increasing the number of right parties that collectors can deal with. This solution is ideal for those call centers who need to increase productivity or are having problems finding and retaining staff. Blake Rice, CEO and owner of UniversalSystems commented, “We will continue to aggressively fine and defend our patents. We have invested heavily in the4 development of the UniversalSystems Accelerator/ASP and are very aware of the peroductivity increase and cost saving potential it has for the entire proactive contact industry. We use the service internally within our own call centers, while our customers report substantial productivity gains,” Rice continued, “I believe the UniversalSystems Accelerator/ASP will have a profound effect on the entire credit, collection, telemarketing, and dialer industries; list penetration is increased, roll rates are improved saving millions, and net operating costs are immediately reduced – without capital investment.” About UniversalSystems® UniversalSystems develops, markets, and supports advanced software solutions for call centers. Created in 1995, it has developed the Universal Systems Accwelasrator/ASP from concepts first born at the bureau of Collection Recovery (BCR), a third- party collection agency. UniversalSystems has partnership agreements with Avaya Inc. (AV), and is a major sponsor of the Mosaix User Group and producer of its conference. UniversalSystems technology and methods are protected by U.S. patent No. 6,285,752 & 6,621,900 and UK patent GB2347583, other patents pending. UniversalSystems is headquartered in Minneapolis, MN and on the World Wide Web at: 1-888-293-8573 7575 Corporate Way Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 David Winters, President - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frequently Asked Questions about the UniversalSystems Accelerator 1) What is it that the Accelerator does that I could not do myself? Leaving aside the issue of patents for the moment, we handle the transfer of the call itself, the issues of identification, which Collector group should get the call, dead air, what to do about leaving messages, recording volunteered information, navigating IVR and privacy blocking technologies – and of course we provide the operator, staff, and optionally, the dialer. Apart from solving these issues (and others) we also address two other fundamental problems: how to dispose of wrong party connects and how to balance the staffing levels of Operators and Collectors. Coming back to our patent, no other organization has the right to make, use, sell, or, offer to sell technology based on the methods documented within our patent. If you would like more details on the UniversalSystems patent please click on the link at the bottom of the page where we have established a link to our patent at the U.S. patent office. 2) What is the difference between the ASP-1 and ASP-2 solution? ASP-1 is where you provide the dialer, ASP-2 is where UniversalSystems® provide the dialer. 3) Does each Operator take up a licensed seat on the dialer? Yes, each Operator uses a licensed seat on the dialer. 4) Are calls transferred out of the dialer and then back in to the dialer? All calls remain on the dialer at all times. The operators log on as outbound agents and the collectors log on as inbound agents. 5) What is the transfer talk-off? Because the transfer between the Operator and the Collector is for all intents and purposes instantaneous, and becau8se the Universal Systems® Operator does not complete the call as a transfer until the Collector is talking with the customer, the whole interaction is seamless, and as a result, there is actually no need for a “talk-off”. In fact, 99% of the time, the customer believes they are talking to the same person throughout the entire interaction. In the rare instance the customer does notice and makes a comment, the Collector dimply replies “that was my assistant who I asked to get you on the line” and immediately returns to obtaining the customer PTP. A typical interaction is as follows: -- The dialer passes the call to a UniversalSystems® Operator who says, “Hello, can I speak to Tim please?” -- Immediately upon confirming the Right Party, the UniversalSystems® Operator simply hits the conference key which immediately hunts and conferences the best Collector Group for that account. -- Because the Right Party has already been established, the Collector says, “The reason we’re calling is…” and works the account exactly as before. -- In the meantime, the UniversalSystems® Operator silently and automatically drops out of the call and moves on to the next Live Voice Connect, and the process begins again. UniversalSystems is likely to have a great cost-saving impact on many operations. ***COMMENT*** But at what savings when WRONG PARTIES are continually harassed even after all their software attempts to get right parties???? This early, early, early morning before-hours harassment can be devastating and even life-threatening to people with serious illnesses!!! K.

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