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5619020051 / 561-902-0051 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 561/902/0051 - 561.902.0051 - 5619020051 - 561 902 0051
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5619020051 User Reports

0 Votes
1st Dec, 2010 by CN
Reported Number: 561-902-0051
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: ??
Caller is hard to understand with bad connection. Asked for my husband. Who also could not understand him. Guy asked if he knew one of our friends(used first name). Which we have not been in contact with for quite some time and was told that this guy had committed financial fraud on some legal documents.
0 Votes
30th Nov, 2010 by ML
Reported Number: 5619020051
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: n./a
called left threatining messages on cell and work number recently called relative, saying I was in legal trouble
0 Votes
20th Nov, 2010 by Tee
Reported Number: 561-902-0051
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
Caller has a thick accent, you can barely understand him. Had my first and last name, the last four digits of my SS#, new the name of a previous bank I used also knew the name of a friend. I asked the friend if they had called her, she said she thinks so, she couldn't undertand the caller and advised him not to call her house again. They haven't called her back. The funny thing is they won't give you any info, only wants to speak to your attorney. When I said I don't have an attorney, they gave me the so called information and said they were sending my information to the courthouse. They also said they wish me luck as this situation unfolds.

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