Caller Information 

6023359840 / 602-335-9840 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Crystal Harvey
According to 1 people
Prank Caller
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 602/335/9840 - 602.335.9840 - 6023359840 - 602 335 9840
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6023359840 User Reports

+ 1 Votes
3rd Feb, 2010 by Jason
Reported Number: 602-335-9840
Caller type: Prank Caller
Phone owner: Crystal Harvey
I got a call from this number 602-335-9840 and it was a girl named Crystal Harvey wanting to offer sex in exchanged for me to get started into a business with her. I advised that I was attached to someone, she said she didn't care and that she was going through a seperatation with her husband Anthony and she wanted a real man to do it with. She also claimed that he was no good in bed, and some how found out that I was really good in bed but failed to tell me where she heard that from. She sounded really hot but I thought it was so weird, that maybe she was some type of hooker or w***e or something. Then she calls back and my girl picks up the phone and then the girl Crystal tells her that she is my girl friend and that I have been sleeping with her all this time. I explained to my girl that I don't know this wacko. I had to block this number from calling me anymore. I think this girl was really crazy. Just an FYI to everyone out there. Caller ID: 602-335-9840 Caller: Crystal Harvey

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