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6024453370 / 602-445-3370 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 602/445/3370 - 602.445.3370 - 6024453370 - 602 445 3370
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6024453370 User Reports

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1st Dec, 2010 by .....
Reported Number: 602-445-3370
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Rude, unhelpful, weird... Automated machine calls me and leaves a message with a "reference number." I call back and they already know my name... very creepy. They ask me to provide personal information, and I tell them NO WAY, not until you tell me what is this all about. Then they rudely tell me they "can't say" and that if I don't tell them "it" will go to a collection agency... But I don't even know what "it" is!?! WHAT will go to a collection agency??? I just recently paid all of my medical bills... This whole thing is very weird and creepy.

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