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6137448788 / 613-744-8788 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 613/744/8788 - 613.744.8788 - 6137448788 - 613 744 8788
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6137448788 User Reports

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4th Jan, 2011 by Azusa
Reported Number: 613-744-8788
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Mohammad
This man of Middle Eastern Decent keeps calling me. He is about 130 to 150 LBS (pounds in weight), aged between 35 to 40 years old, Black stringy hair, Brown eyes, Wears a dirty grey jacket. I was recently ripped off by him. I have my doubts that the police will do anything about it [report has been filed]. The man says his name is Mohammad, but I doubt that is his real name. I also have my doubts that the caller ID is listed under his real name (my guess is that he has a partner helping). This person is bad news and should be avoided.

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