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6157154100 / 615-715-4100 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
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McIntosh Entertainment
According to 1 people
Prank Caller
According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 615/715/4100 - 615.715.4100 - 6157154100 - 615 715 4100
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6157154100 User Reports

0 Votes
20th Mar, 2011 by as
Reported Number: 615-715-4100
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Becky McIntosh
You aren't the smartest apple that fell from the tree. I am a friend of the Sher's. You claim he is not a doctor who pratices in new york or lives in New York, he has an apartment in New York and lives in New Jersey. The New York area is close to 3 other states and there are 6 Dr. Michael Sher's did you check each one of them out? You have been the brunt of several jokes since you are the idiot, all of the ranting of these unverified claims on the internet is not getting you money that claim that you are owed? You according to Michael are still desperate and broke. They would sue you but you don't have anything to take, it is our understanding that you may be loosing your home soon. The Sher family other than the fact that they had to change their temporary hphone number to another one goes on, and it really does not make you look like an astute businesswoman to make these stupid claims on the internet. It just makes people realize how stupid you are. You should really think about that
0 Votes
12th Feb, 2011 by John
Reported Number: 6157154100
Caller type: Prank Caller
Phone owner: McIntosh Entertainment
Be very aware of this number. This woman claims to be in the music industry with knowledge of how to book talent and secure them for events. She goes by the Name of McIntosh Entertainment. She is a total fraud. The first thing she will do is to tell you that she will make the deal for you, she then wants you to send you her fee plus the talent fee of the person that she is booking. Lets say that artist a has a fee of 100,000 her fee would be 10 per cent of that so essentially you would wire into her account 110,000.00 she would then pay the artist with her fee. There are several issues with this arrangement 1. Becky does not know anyone in the Entertainment Industry, so essentially you are paying her 10 per cent to make a telephone call. 2. For her fee she will negotiate the deal for you, that includes working out the final price with the artist and or his agent and handling all of the rider information ( a rider are the requirements that an artist needs to perform) such as backstage requirements, green room requirements( green room is a room where the artist and his/her crew go to relax,change and hang out before going on stage) and any and all reguirements needed by the artist. The problem with this arrangement is that the Booking Agent is not "looking out for your interest" she is looking out for hers. The more money the artist requires to performs the higher her commission. It is in her best interest that the artist make as much money as possible to increase her commission. She initially asks that you send not only her fee but that of the agent to her account, instead of paying the artist directly. What is to stop her from pocketing the cash and keeping the cash? Becky also has on experience in the music industry "other than this is something that I always wanted to do". She claims to have friends at certain artist agents when they, in fact, have never heard of her. In the case of my friends she intentionally attempted to pad an additional 100,000.00 to an artist fee in an attempt too increase her commission. My friend had someone to call the artist agents directly only to learn that the fee was 100,000.00 less than quoted by Ms. McIntosh. By inflating this artist fee Ms. Mcintosh was attempting to raise her commission by an additional 10,000.00. Ms. McIntosh has never booked a major act, and when asked about it, indicated that this was more of a hobby for her. This agent also revealed information to a specific booking agent that she shouldn't have. when asked about she intially denied it, but then indicated "in hindsite I probably shouldn't have divulged that information and "what difference does it make" This is what should be most concerning. When you look up her telephone number on the internet, her number comes up as someone who designs kitchens. The monies that you are wiring into her personal account at a small town bank in Tennessee ( Volunteer Bank) that has a very small balance (very small). Her husband also just recently was laid off from his job of 25 or more years with no retirement, 401k, or any type of parachute for a soft landing. Many times she indicates that she is concerned about making her mortgage, Hence her padding of the talents fees, she is never really looking out for her bank account she is looking out for hers. When my friends dad told her to stop talking with the talents agent because he felt that she was not looking out for his best interest she continued anyway on more than one occassions once again indicating what difference does it make! She then listed his phone number on this very same web site as someone who scammed her for 2months making all of these extravagent claims, that the person wasn't who he initially said he was, accused his attorney as not having a license to practice law and even made a comment about my friends recent loss of his brother. There are a couple of things that a person needs to remember 1. You don't need any kind of license to call yourself a "booking agent" 2. You should never pay any agent their fee plus the fee of the artist (usually the booking agent is paid once the deal is completed). The fee for the artist should be paid directly to the artist. This would prevent a booking agent (such as the one listed above) from pocketing all the cash. 3. My friends dad knew something was unethical when this booking agent Becky McIntosh told his dad her personal financial information. This was an attempt to gain his empathy, in the deal making process. 4. The booking agent Becky McIntosh even told the artist agent that " I sure need this deal to go through" compromising any deal making power that his dad had. Please remember once again that this booking agent should be working on her client's behalf, not hers. 5. The deal did not go through, not because of what Becky did but through some errors of my friens dad. As the booking agent these are some things that Becky McInstosh should have had a handle on, which she did not. 6. She did try to save my friends dad some money by mentioning and get this " I can't believe that the artist needs these many towels to go on stage. She was not aware nor did she have a copy of the rider ( the technical requirements that any artist needs such as staging requirements prior to making an offer. While the cost of the agent is confidential information, the rider information can be found on line and is tradiionally public information. 7. My friends dad after running a credit check on Becky McIntosh of Hendersville Tennessee, advised Becky not to contact the artist management team any further, being concerned that once again she was trying to make sure that his dad was paying as much as possible to pad her commission. This had already been accommplished by the booking agent divulging information about the price of the other potential artist, which locked him into a price without the power of trying to get a better price. 8. My friends dad,after running a credit check on Becky McIntosh knew that she was very bad news. 9. She then posted some information on this same web site about using his telephone number claiming that my friends dad was a fraud and not whom he said he was from a professional standpoint. Apparently questioning the fact that his dad was indeed a medical doctor. All of this information could have been verified via the internet ( the world wide web and google are wonderful tools). My friends dad is also published. Being published in the medical community indicates that you have written some sort of "paper" or offered some sort of medical opinion or offered some comment on something medically relevent. She essentially attempted to ruin his reputation on a web site such as this one. She was not aware that my friend's dad spoke to her only his cell phone and or a temporary number. 10. If this booking agent was so knowledgable she would have "vetted" her client before involving herself in any offer. That is something that she did, only to now say that she did not. If she did not do the basic background stuff, that anyone would have done, she was not a good agent anyway. 11. Ms. Becky McIntosh of McIntosh is a fraud, who embellished her credentials in the music industry" she has none" and then wanted too make my friends dad look bad. She is the brunt of much laugher in our household as well as with the people who know dad, both personally and professionally. 12. She even invoked God, when she realized that she had been discovered as a fake booking agent with extremely bad credit. Trying to make someone look bad with her crazy claims,none of which are true ( if any of them were true) which they are not she should have caught this initially. According to Becky McIntosh (McIntosh Entertainment) she is now going to sue my friends dad and in her first posting about his number indicated that she is trying to find her client. You have a booking agent ( a phoney one with no experience) who is now looking for her client who she claims owes her $140,000.00 that she can't find? She has threaten a slander suit ( once again in her posting about his telephone number) and she considers herself a professional booking agent. The best defense against slander is the truth, and the truth is my buddy's dad can easily prove who he is has no reason to make up anything and altough this is a very sad affair finds himself laughing soo hard about this person who is an idiot and a scam artist that he almost pisses on himself. You will be able to tell from her response to this posting that she is mentally off. BUT BUYER BEWARE. Thank G_d the doctor conducted a brief background check on you. You almost got away with it. After having speaking to the family that you tried to scam they indicated that if you would like tosue, which is your latest threat please feel free since the truth is the best defense. It will be interesting to see what type of response this gets from Ms. Becky McIntosh, McIntosh Entertainment. The doctor is dissapointed in one thing, the next thing you know you will start calling him with harrassing calls or something and he is going to have his cell phone number, PLEASE LEAVE MY FRIEND and his family alone they just recently got the new telephone number. Ms Becky McInstosh, McIntosh Entertainment is the person who is really mentally unbalanced, wait untl you see her response to this very factual information about the situation

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