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6262738235 / 626-273-8235 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 626/273/8235 - 626.273.8235 - 6262738235 - 626 273 8235
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6262738235 User Reports

- 1 Votes
23rd Dec, 2009 by Rileyp
Reported Number: 626-273-8235
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
They called claiming my daughter was being sent to collections for ordering obscene magazines that we had never recieved. She asked what name was on the credit card used to order the magazine. They responded with "They didn't use a credit card." She then asked how she placed an order to which they replied she used a VISA. She doesn't own a VISA so she asked which name was on the card used, they said "How old are you?" when she explained she had just recently turned 18 they told her she was a minor so they couldn't give out that information. So she gave me the phone and I asked what name was on the card. They told me they could only disclose the information to her. She asked when the order was placed. They told her "a while ago." she then asked to speak to a supervisor. They said they'd have to call her back, because he was eating.

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