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6263779468 / 626-377-9468 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 626/377/9468 - 626.377.9468 - 6263779468 - 626 377 9468
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6263779468 User Reports

0 Votes
18th Oct, 2010 by Wont Get Me
Reported Number: 626-377-9468
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Could Not Understand speech
Receiving calls from a man with a heavy accent claiming to be with the FBI. Stating if I dont reply...I will have to face heavy consequences. Puh! Please someone get to the bottom of this!!!
0 Votes
15th Oct, 2010 by KT
Reported Number: 6263779468
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Patrick
This man by the name of Patrick with a very heavy Middle East accent call saying he was with the Federal Crime Investigation and that he had a legal file against my name and SS# and that i owed money to CASH ADVANCE from 2009. I have never applied for or received money from this company. He tried to get me to pay over the phone and when i said no i wasn't paying for something i didn't do and that i would call this company myself to see where they got this false information he hung up on me.

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