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6464700863 / 646-470-0863 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 646/470/0863 - 646.470.0863 - 6464700863 - 646 470 0863
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6464700863 User Reports

0 Votes
15th Mar, 2011 by fliz
Reported Number: 646-470-0863
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Alex
Caller stated he was representing a legal case and there was pending case against me that would be brought to trial tomorrow. The caller refused to give me their address, how much i owed, the fax number or the client they were representing. I dont know how these guys get your number or what do they get out of calling you. Do they think someone is stupid enough to fall for the crap they are claiming. I don't take kindly to threats either. They also made a threat to arrest me at mey job.
0 Votes
12th Mar, 2011 by pbartoli
Reported Number: 6464700863
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
very annoying calls barely able to speak english , and making threats , also calling my job which is very aggravating ..

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