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6465957584 / 646-595-7584 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 646/595/7584 - 646.595.7584 - 6465957584 - 646 595 7584
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6465957584 User Reports

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6th Nov, 2015 by moore
Reported Number: 646-595-7584
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
A woman named Alicia is scamming home owners in the area Alicia is the first name and often use the last name as either Cruz or Diaz scamming home owners by acting as a real estate agent or broker. According to NYS Division of Licensing, her name is not legal with any real estate office and she is said to be an independent. The official title for that role is Apartment Information Vendor & Sharing Agent which is legal to sell any information by copying from a newspaper or from an ad posted on store's bulletin boards. Alicia does not possess such official title and had been banned by many homeowners after realizing her scams but still continue to do so by telling stories around to new targets. She use her phone numbers which are (718) 581-6817 or (646) 595-7584. She has already been banned in Soho.

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