Caller Information 

6618368066 / 661-836-8066 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Dee Moynier
According to 1 people
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 661/836/8066 - 661.836.8066 - 6618368066 - 661 836 8066
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6618368066 User Reports

0 Votes
8th Nov, 2010 by Dee
Reported Number: 661-836-8066
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Dee Moynier
Has called 3 times and I cannot understand him. He also got my granddaughters cell number and told her to have me call as I committed a fraud on my social security number. I have called back and asked to speak to someone who speaks English. He said I had to speak with him. He spoke Arabic so I could not understand him. So I hung up on him. He then called my granddaughter. She hung up on him also. She lives at a different home and he found her cell phone number.

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