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6788556959 / 678-855-6959 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 678/855/6959 - 678.855.6959 - 6788556959 - 678 855 6959
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6788556959 User Reports

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21st Jun, 2010 by RKUNZ2
Reported Number: 678-855-6959
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
678-855-6959 belongs to Broadwing Communications in Atlanta, GA, who was acquired by Level 3 Communications. Level 3 indicates this number is part of a VOIP pooled number (a group of numbers sold to one account holder), sold thru a reseller, with very little information as to who exactly owns the number. There's no company info, no URL address call back on it, and no other identifying info. Place an online complaint with FCC and e-mail Level 3 at [email protected]. Hopefully, they'll investigate and shut down the number.

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