Caller Information 

7023466227 / 702-346-6227 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
private caller
According to 1 people
Area Code
Mesquite, Nevada
Rio Virgin Tel Co Inc
Number Variations: 702/346/6227 - 702.346.6227 - 7023466227 - 702 346 6227
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7023466227 User Reports

0 Votes
21st Dec, 2008 by innkeeper01
Reported Number: 702-346-6227
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: private caller
We have gotten three calls from this number. The number is located in Mesquite, Nevada. Details are exactly has been described by others on this site. The caller speaks slowly, as if drunk or on drugs, and frequently pauses, so that the only thing to be heard is his breathing. He asks for odd details about our inn and our room, and then repeats his questions after he has run out of things to ask about. He will only talk to our female owner, and has denied he has called in the past, when we know he has. Same voice, same number. Very creepy.

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