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7025895200 / 702-589-5200 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 702/589/5200 - 702.589.5200 - 7025895200 - 702 589 5200
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7025895200 User Reports

0 Votes
28th Jul, 2009 by Ray Laskowitz
Reported Number: 702-589-5200
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Same deal, except that I do license stock imagery and care about people reaching me from any source engine. When one guy couldn't quote a price he handed me to another guy who wanted to know my gross billing, my new clients, how many clients I got last month and on and on. When I told him that really wasn't his business, he screamed at me and said, "you're scared." I hung up. Who are these jerks?
0 Votes
16th Jan, 2009 by Ed
Reported Number: 7025895200
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Alan
The guy pissed me off, honestly... I am getting ENOUGH business without high Google placement and I took my time to explain this to him. There ARE ways that worked before Google so what if I am content with them? My high-end clients do NOT stick their fingers into the web, they either heard about me, or were referred. Well, fancy that - he stamped my approach as "ridiculous", right into my face! I picture myself throwing this into my perspective clients...

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