Caller Information 

7145442607 / 714-544-2607 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Mike Markman
According to 1 people
According to 4 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 714/544/2607 - 714.544.2607 - 7145442607 - 714 544 2607
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7145442607 User Reports

0 Votes
10th Jan, 2012 by Bob
Reported Number: 714-544-2607
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Michael Markman
Good Afternoon, I have a number of potential customers looking for a wedding planner in your area. I thought you would make a good fit. Please have the owner give me a call at your earliest convenience. Michael Markman I can be reached at 714-544-2607 ext 108 Michael Markman [email protected]
0 Votes
2nd Nov, 2010 by Michael Miller
Reported Number: 7145442607
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Michael Miller
Good Afternoon, I have a number of potential customers looking for pet boarding in your area. I thought you would make a good fit. Please have the owner give me a call at your earliest convenience. Michael Miller I can be reached at 714-544-2607 ext 108 [email protected]
0 Votes
27th Sep, 2010 by PMP Scam
Reported Number: 714-544-2607
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Carl Perkins
Unless you report spam like this, companies that have your email address could send you spam forever and even sell and/or give your email to everyone under the sun. Suspicious emails like this one will not have an unsubscribe link as required by law, they will not use a company email and/or have a link back to their website and usually wont even use the company name within the email (as can be seen in the emails posted). You should have no problem finding the company name if the UNSOLICITED bulk email (SPAM) offer that you received is even semi-legitimate. Report this to the right people and help rid the web of unsolicited spam from reported scam artists. Submit a complaint directly to the company offering the email address: Forward the email to these addresses as well: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] The first email looks funny but is for The rest are government and private agencies that deal with spam. Do not give them a chance to scam your parents, grandparents, neighbors or any other company out of their hard earned money using spam like this! Just because you didn't fall for it, doesn't mean others will have the same sense.
0 Votes
9th Aug, 2010 by Mike Markman
Reported Number: 7145442607
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Michael Warren
Report this spam directly to the source: Forward the email to these addresses as well: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] The first email looks funny but is for The rest are government and private agencies that deal with spam.
0 Votes
8th Aug, 2010 by Performance Media Placement
Reported Number: 714-544-2607
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Mike Markman
Good Afternoon, I have a number of potential customers looking for a wedding planner in your area. I thought you would make a good fit. Please have the owner give me a call at your earliest convenience. Michael Markman I can be reached at 714-544-2607 ext 108 Michael Markman [email protected]

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