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7312563437 / 731-256-3437 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 731/256/3437 - 731.256.3437 - 7312563437 - 731 256 3437
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7312563437 User Reports

0 Votes
9th Aug, 2010 by M
Reported Number: 731-256-3437
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
more info from the BBB website: Charity Contact InformationName: National Children's Cancer Society Address: One South Memorial Drive, Suite 800 St. Louis, MO 63102 Phone: 314-241-1600 314-241-5243 Web Address: Also known as: Childrens Cancer Assistance Fund Back To Top BBB Wise Giving Alliance CommentsYear, State Incorporated: 1987, Illinois Affiliates: None Stated Purpose: "to improve the quality of life for children with cancer and their families." Back To Top Evaluation Conclusions National Children's Cancer Society (NCCS) meets the 20Standards for Charity Accountability. Back To Top Programs NCCS distributes donated pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to medical centers in countries with less advanced treatment facilities. The organization also provides direct financial assistance to children with cancer and their families within the United States. Assistance is available for medical expenses, such as insurance premiums, treatment and equipment, and also for other incidentals such as transportation, lodging, food and other household needs. The organization disseminates several publications, including "Voice of Hope" on issues relating to children's cancer and distributes information to children and parents about care-giving, grief, emotional support and survivorship issues. For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008, NCCS's program expenses were: Division of patient and family services 26,026,123 Supplemental family support 3,522,510 Public information and education 448,414 Total Program Expenses: $29,997,047 Back To Top Governance Chief Executive : Mark Stolze, President & Chief Executive Officer Compensation*: $254,638 Chair of the Board: Mark Slocomb Chair's Profession / Business Affiliation: First Vice President, Merrill Lynch Board Size: 18 Paid Staff Size: 20 *October 1, 2007 - September 30, 2008 compensation includes annual salary and, if applicable, benefit plans, expense accounts, and other allowances. Back To Top Fund Raising Method(s) Used: Direct mail, telemarketing, special events, grant proposals, Internet appeals, and cause-related marketing. Fund raising costs were 16% of related contributions. (Related contributions, which totaled $35,859,930, are donations received as a result of fund raising activities.) NCCS incurred joint costs of $5,897,910 for informational materials and activities that included fund raising materials. Of those costs, $4,851,170 was allocated to fund raising expenses, $880,949 was allocated to program expenses, and $165,791 was allocated to administrative expenses. Back To Top Tax Status This organization is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is eligible to receive contributions deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Back To Top Financial The following information is based on NCCS's audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008. Source of Funds In-kind contributions 24,302,704 Contributions 11,236,241 List rental income 333,891 Event revenue (net) 320,985 Investment income -143,893 Total Income $36,049,928 Uses of Funds as a % of Total Expenses Programs: 83% Fund Raising: 16% Administrative: 1% Total income $36,049,928 Program expenses $29,997,047 Fund raising expenses 5,840,514 Administrative expenses 493,809 Total expenses $36,331,370 Expenses in Excess of Income (281,442) Beginning net assets 3,987,970 Ending net assets 3,706,528 Total liabilities 831,462 Total assets $4,537,990 Note: According to NCCS's 2008 audited financial statements, the organization received $24,274,713 in in-kind donations consisting of pharmaceuticals ($24,210,439) and vehicle donations ($64,274).
0 Votes
9th Aug, 2010 by M
Reported Number: 7312563437
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
BBB issues Reliability Reports on all organizations, whether or not they are BBB accredited. If an organization is a BBB Accredited Charity, it is stated in this report. Name: National Children's Cancer Society Phone: (800) 532-6459 Address: 1015 Locust Suite 600 Saint Louis, MO 63101 Report Expiration Date: June 24, 2012 Original Business Start Date: January 1987 Principal: Mark Stolze, President Customer Contact: Mark Stolze, President - (800) 532-6459 Type of Business: Charity Soliciting Nationally BBB Comments This is a national organization and its report is provided by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. To get a detailed report on this organization go to or call (703) 276-0100. Additional Contact Information Additional Phone Numbers Tel: (800) 882-6227 Tel: (800) 411-0709
0 Votes
6th Mar, 2010 by Susie
Reported Number: 731-256-3437
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Harrass me daily, no one is ever on the phone.
0 Votes
6th Mar, 2010 by Stephanie
Reported Number: 7312563437
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Actually, I read the above posts and I can just say "all of the above". It's irritating because I have small children in school and just had surgery...a few times I had to go to the phone, in case it was the school..Same as everyone else, no one is ever on the phone and they call numerous times a day, every day.
+ 1 Votes
26th Jan, 2010 by Christina
Reported Number: 731-256-3437
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Get calls from this number daily several times a day for several months. No one is there when you pick up, you call back and there is no ringing and no one is there. Got it narrowed down to 2 blocks on Highland Ave, Jackson, TN and I called the Sheriff in Jackson and he knows nothing of it. Filed complaint with Do Not Call registry. Getting ready to press charges...
0 Votes
23rd Jan, 2010 by john
Reported Number: 7312563437
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Keeps harrasing my wife and myself day after day!!!
0 Votes
28th Dec, 2009 by kim
Reported Number: 731-256-3437
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I get at least two calls a day from this number and I have no idea who it is or what they want. No one is ever on the other end, even when I answer it.

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