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7735450318 / 773-545-0318 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
Prank Caller
According to 1 people
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Chicago, Illinois
Illinois Bell Tel Co Il
Number Variations: 773/545/0318 - 773.545.0318 - 7735450318 - 773 545 0318
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7735450318 User Reports

0 Votes
24th Jan, 2009 by abc
Reported Number: 773-545-0318
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
0 Votes
24th Jan, 2009 by abc
Reported Number: 7735450318
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to Reply Abuse
0 Votes
24th Jan, 2009 by abc
Reported Number: 773-545-0318
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to Reply Abuse
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That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to Reply Abuse
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That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to Reply Abuse
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That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to Reply Abuse
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That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to our current prices. It would take years before that oil hits the markets. So combining more drilling with alternative fuel sources could in ten years bring prices and fuck foreign dependence way down. It won’t fix the total failure of no energy policy by the Bush administration overnight, however. We are a long way away from nationalizing refineries– at least I hope we are. But being against nationalization would also mean not wanting to buy from the cunt fuck Saudis, which we do. So nationalizing refineries has been fine with America for 80 years or so. Heck, we’ve propped up the government doing the nationalizing. It has been a strange week here in Seattle. We are used to the rain and the cold. We are used to snow as a novelty or as something you seek out somewhere else. We are not so used to it as a way of life. We have about a foot of snow here at The House and the roads haven’t been driven on much. We walked up to QFC and it was packed with people seeming to prepare cunt fuck for the end of the world. It is just strange for us. I enjoy it, it is peaceful I think. We have had 3 snow days at school with one more tomorrow and (most likely) one more on Tuesday (we had to go Monday and Tuesday as make up days for our strike… that we now fuck cunt have to make up because of snow). The days off have been nice and relaxing, which is what a break is supposed to be. Hopefully I can get down to Southern WA for Christmas without any problems… we’ll see how that goes. Zo Bilch Daxaupp 4 Kew saxaid, "Pum cunt cemmaxact ridd te skino!" Act ridd chaxaltow skinick. 3Gew reekow axat zo ridd pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. Who sopaxalaxatow ridd blem fuck daxalknopt 9axact naxamow zo ridd "Daxaupp" pi zo daxalknopt "Nidd." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zbitch damn cunt hell penis scrotum o bilch daxaupp. [d] Zo Socect Daxaupp 8 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact pit pemo te sopaxalaxato zo waxatol axafevo dit blem zo waxatol fored dit." 2Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. Kew vaxado zo pemo 6axact naxamow dit "Shupp." Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo socect daxaupp. Zo penis scrotum Zild cunt Daxaupp 5 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo waxatol fuck uctol zo shupp te cemo tegothol din eno praxaco,penis scrotum se zolo wirr fo wrupp kleuct." Act zaxat nud haxatfuck cunt whaxapponow. 10Gew naxamow zo wrupp kleuct "Raxact," pi whbitch damn hell peno pi saxaw zaxat dit waxas keew. 11Gew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te pleduco axarr gicts eb praxanks, dincrudick fuck bluit sloos pi klaxain." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. 17Tho oaxalth pleducow axarr gicts eb mogotaxatien. Kew reekow axat cunt penis scrotum haxat who whaxad penis scrotum peno, pi dit waxas keew. 14Ovonbitch damn hell ick caxamo pi zon velnick--penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. o Beulth Daxaupp 13 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact ridds te axappoaxal din zo shupp pi te sopaxalaxato daxaupp bbitch damn hell lem nidd pi te sked zo timo bel soaxasens, spociaxar fuck cunt daxays, pi penis scrotum yoaxals. 19I cemmaxact zom te skino en zo oaxalth." Act zaxat nud penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas cunt zo zild daxaupp.haxat whaxapponow. 18Gew vaxado twe dewolbur ridds, zo fliddol enbfuck itch damn hell o te luro zo daxaupp pi zo ethol [o] tefuck luro zo nipenis scrotum dd. Who axarse vaxado zo chaxapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild 12Thon Kew put zoso penis scrotum ridds din zo shupp te skino en zo oaxalth, 16te luro daxaupp fuck pi nidd, pi te sopaxalaxato ridd blem daxalknopt. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 15Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo beulth daxaupp. Zo Bibth Daxaupp 70 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo ecoaxan te fo burr eb rivick cloaxatulos, pi Pum cemmaxact filds te brupp axafevo zo oaxalth." 71Se Kew vaxado zo kiaxank soaxa venchols pi axarr zo rivick cloaxatulos zaxat swix din zo ecoaxan. Who axarse vaxado ovolupp gict eb fild. Kew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 77Thon who kaxavo zo rivick cunt fuck cloaxatulos whis frossick--who terd zo ecoaxan cloaxatulos te rivo ovolywholo din zo ecoaxan pi zo filds te rivo ovolywholo en oaxalth. 74Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat waxas zo bibth dapenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.xaupp. Zo Sixth Daxaupp 73 Kew saxaid, "Pum cemmaxact zo oaxalth te kivo ribo te axarr gicts eb taxamo axanimaxars, wird axanimaxars, pi loptiros." Act zaxat nud haxat whaxapponow. cunt 79Gew vaxado ovolupp eno eb zom. Zon who reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno, pi dit waxas keew. 78Gew saxaid, "Jed wo wirr vaxako whumaxans, pi zoupp wirr fo riko us. Wo wirr rot zom luro zo bisk, zo filds, pi axarr ethol rivick cloaxatulos." 72Se Kew cloaxatow whumaxans te fo riko whimsorb; who vaxado von pi wemon. 76Gew kaxavo zom whis frossick pi saxaid: Whaxavo pit ret eb stirdlon! fuck Birr zo oaxalth um doepro pi flick dit uctol yeep cenkler. Luro evpenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp.ol zo bisk bitch damn hell din zo ecoaxan, zo filds din zo shupp, pi ovolupp axanimaxar en zo oaxalth. 75I whaxavo plevidow axarr gicts eb bluit pi klaxain bel ug te oaxat. 40Act Pum whaxavo kivon zo kloon praxanks axas beew bel ovolythick orso zaxat floaxathos. Zoso wirr fo beew bel axanimaxars, feth wird pi taxamo, pi bel filds. 41Gew reekow axat haxat who whaxad peno. Arr eb dit waxas molupp keew! Ovonick caxamo pi zon velnick--zaxat 1waxas zo sixth daxaupp. bitch damn hell Beetnetos:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. Konosis 1:1 zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth: "Zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth" cheew bel zo univolso. Konosis 1:7 Din. . . ribo:penis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. El "Hon Kew fogaxan te cloaxato zo whoaxavons pi zo oaxalth, zo oaxalth waxas cunt faxallon um je belm eb ribo." bitch damn hell Konosis 1:7 zo Spilit eb Kew: El "pit viddupp wict." Konosis 1:9 zo bilch daxaupp: A daxaupp waxas voaxasulow blem ovonick te ovonick. Konosis 1:18 zo fliddol. . . zo ethol: Zo sun pi zo veen. Fut zoupp axalo jet caxarrow fupp zoil fuck naxamos, focaxauso din Erd Tochaxamonk timos semo doepro welskipow zopenis scrotum cunt zaxat waxas zo zild daxaupp. sun pi zo veen axas zeugh zoupp wolo keds. bitch damn hell These words, written during the civil war, are difficult, yet filled with the hope that comes again this Christmas. (I would recommend the Casting Crowns, Johnny Cash, or Jars of Clay versions, they are done wonderfully!) In the broken world we live in, what all the difficult things we go through, experience, and see, it is easy to get stuck in that first verse. But in reading the Gospel and delving in to the person of Christ, we are left with hope and grace. That is a good place to be this Christmas.While Day 1 was all about planning and demolition, day 2 was when the transformation really began. The focus was on dry walling the ceiling, recessed lighting and skim coating of the walls. Lighting has always been a problem in my living room as I only had two lamps on each of the end tables beside the sofa and they were both on energy saving bulbs, not nearly enough to illuminate a room this size. I bought 12 sets of 4″ recessed lighting kits from Home Depot (housing and trim), they were made by a company called Consumer Electric. I did some research on recessed lighting and knew that I did not need housing fuck marked specifically for insulated ceilings since no insulation exists between the two floors. The trim that I was going for was chrome because I loved the look and I realize that the white waffle trims tend to get dirty real easily. I shopped around small lighting boutiques in the area but they were charging almost $5 higher for the same type of kit. I keep telling myself not to default to Home Depot for every one of my purchases, because with a little research, a better price was sure to be found. However, I just can’t argue with their service and reliability. By reliability I really mean that I can rely on them to take the stuff back if I decided it was crap. Perhaps the more expensive ones at the smaller shops are better in quality, but if anything went wrong I really couldn’t count on them to give me a refund every time. I feel it’s always a gamble with the fuck smaller guys, but with Home Depot, the concern really wasn’t there.Microsoft has recently made available for download the full version for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This is perfect for those who would like to experience Windows Vista without wiping out cunt their existing XP boxes to do so. OS Virtualization is certainly not new and has been dominated by EMC’s VMWare in recent years. There is also an OpenSource alternative called XenExpress. Looks like Gates is dipping his brand into every tech arena possible and virtual fuck computing is just another example of that.If you’re someone who wants your candidate to be taken seriously on foreign policy, you probably shouldn’t say stuff like Obama advisor Richard Danzig said, “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security”. Yes, I’m sure that there was a deeper, broader cunt point to it, because this guy is considered by some to possibly be the National Security Advisor in an Obama administration. Putting the national security discussion in terms of children’s stories and fictional Star Wars characters might not be the best fuck way to demonstrate a deep level of understanding on that subject. Meanwhile, the move to end the ban on offshore drilling is picking up steam. Both President Bush cunt and presidential candidate John McCain have announced that they support ending that ban. This is a change of position for McCain, but he is not a stupid man, and he knows that the majority of Americans want to start drilling to reduce the price of oil. According to Rasmussen Reports, 67% of those they polled support ending the ban on offshore drilling. The poll also said that a significant percentage of those people also believed that offshore drilling was somewhat likely to reduce gas prices. The American people cunt have now reached the point where their own financial interests are conflicting with their general desire to care about the environment fuck and conservation of resources and so forth. They are seeing the tradeoff and deciding that cheaper gas is more important than the environment — if being environmentally friendly means $4 gasoline, that’s where they recognize the insanity of our current policies. This is important, because all we seem to be hearing from the Democrats is that we can’t drill our way out of this mess, and some Democrats have even suggested that the government should take over all the refineries (!!!). Offshore drilling won’t completely solve the problem, but it will provide temporary relief while we continue to work on a more comprehensive energy policy. I know that many Democrats owe their careers to the environmentalists, but surely they don’t want to be seen as opposing anything cunt fuck that has so much public support. As long as there are appropriate safeguards in place, why not do everything we can to mitigate the pain Americans are suffering at the pump? As far as what we should do to get this elusive energy independence, we could start with producing more of our own oil. It makes no sense to beg the Saudis to increase production when we refuse to use the resources we already have. There should be incentives for oil companies to re-invest profits into research into alternative energy sources — not increased cunt taxation for failing to meet some benchmark set by a government bureaucrat. Then we should look into nuclear power and coal. As far as government oversight goes, I have no problem with that, but we should draw the line way before we get to nationalizing refineries. Sphere: Related Content Posted June 19th, 2008 by Lisa under Random Musings 10 Responses to “random acts of verbiage” Chris Says: June 19th, 2008 at 10:02 pm That is a simplistic way to put foreign policy to say the least. I’m not sure Danzig is that fuck perspicuous or just giving a speech. Put into the context of that’s how he views the world, then yes it does look cheesy. But having a black and white foreign policy is all we’ve known for the last 8 years cunt anyway. There can’t be anything more simplistic than smoking out bad guys and hunting down evildoers. As far as offshore drilling goes, I’m not against that at all. Or even more drilling in Alaska is fine with me. I think there are ways to safeguard against complete catastrophes, but nothing is fool proof. Though more drilling isn’t a quick remedy to
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Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (
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is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (
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is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (quotes, etc.) do no line breaks, no tabs, commas, commas, etc.) do not works (periods, and not work well, bution marks (periods, code, use your View the station marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well. Hints: This based punctuation of ords with To view the JavaScript source bution marks based on the statistribut pairs. Level 1 is based on of single characters. Single punctuatistical distributton. Level n is based on marks based punctuatistical distribut paired punctuatistribution of ords works (

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