Caller Information 

7863473083 / 786-347-3083 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Josh Matthews
According to 1 people
Area Code
Miami, Florida
Level 3 Communications, Llc Fl
Number Variations: 786/347/3083 - 786.347.3083 - 7863473083 - 786 347 3083
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7863473083 User Reports

0 Votes
13th Mar, 2009 by Jacob and Stacy Biltz
Reported Number: 786-347-3083
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Josh Matthews
We applied for a gov't grant to help start a business. Within a few months we received a phone call from a gentleman by the name Josh Matthews, claiming to be w/ American Public Grant Consultants. He was extremely professional w/ contract #'s and everything. He said that a gentleman by the name of Lucas Deleon will be processing the grant for us, once they receive the processing fee. The fee was $485.00, and we were able to pay it in 2 installments, 1 was $250.00 and the other was $235.00. Mr. Matthews said to make sure we sent the money order, and certified. We received an address of 1220 L. Street N.W. Suite 100-194 Washington DC 20005, to send the payments to, attn: Lucas Deleon, the gentleman that was to be the one processing the grant once payments were received. We heard from Mr. Matthews quite often, until after he was given the certified number of the last payment sent. Once that last payment was sent, we never heard back from him again. We called one of the numbers we had for him (the 7863473083), the number was no longer in service. The other number which was an 800 number, all we got was an messaging service that answered APG Consultants. The only time we left a message for Mr. Matthews and received a call back, was during the time he was waiting for the payments. After payments were sent, we called and left messages and never heard back. I left several messages stating that we knew that a scam was being fun, and I would make sure I'd do what I can to put a stop to it. Obviously we never heard back from Mr. Matthews after that either, however, we still intend to do whatever we can to make sure this guy is caught and can no longer take money from innocent people.

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