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8002056807 / 800-205-6807 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 800/205/6807 - 800.205.6807 - 8002056807 - 800 205 6807
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8002056807 User Reports

0 Votes
31st Mar, 2009 by ggia
Reported Number: 800-205-6807
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Automated voice says "All of our operators are busy. Please wait." Then music comes one.
0 Votes
30th Mar, 2009 by JL
Reported Number: 8002056807
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Gottschalks
This call is probably allowed as it is made to everyone who has a Gottschalks credit card. It's a recording that informs you of the sales going on. The calls are usually made on Mondays to inform you of their Tuesday sales.
0 Votes
4th Feb, 2009 by auburn resident
Reported Number: 800-205-6807
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: UNKNOWN NAME
they called me on feb 4 1.20pm PST. I am on the do not call registry and they still called me.

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