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8002960885 / 800-296-0885 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 800/296/0885 - 800.296.0885 - 8002960885 - 800 296 0885
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8002960885 User Reports

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13th Feb, 2014 by anonymous VOIP/ (PhonePower customer)
Reported Number: 800-296-0885
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
Ever since I switched to a new provider (, I've been getting multiple calls from this number. I am grateful for PhonePowers number blocking system, however I'm not happy that my number is being shared, sold or distributed without my permission. It is not ethical for companies to share or sell or distribute your info without your expressed permission. Why the FCC / DTC has allowed such impropriety to take place for so long is beyond my understanding but none the less, underscores a huge problem in the world of telecommunication business practices and how little privacy protection we the consumer really have, despite whatever laws are on the books. We need tougher standards that are enforced, not just simply used as a means to placate the masses. It's time we demand REAL ACTION from agencies like the FCC and the DTC. Take back control of your privacy and demand your rights!-------They are yours to demand!

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