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8008834348 / 800-883-4348 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 800/883/4348 - 800.883.4348 - 8008834348 - 800 883 4348
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8008834348 User Reports

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19th Mar, 2009 by russell
Reported Number: 800-883-4348
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: hugo
this guy called wanbted me to switch voip phone service but he wanted credit card info i refused and hung up. i got 2 nore calls where they hung up. when i called back hugo answered and acted like he did not know what i was talking about. i explained events and he said are u mad you can not afford a credit or debit card? he refuse sper over him and hung up.

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