Caller Information 

8018397365 / 801-839-7365 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 801/839/7365 - 801.839.7365 - 8018397365 - 801 839 7365
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8018397365 User Reports

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1st May, 2010 by upnorth
Reported Number: 801-839-7365
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: unknown
I first got a message on my answering machine about a service verification and that they would call back. Then someone has called back; EVERY DAY for the last 3 days. One call was NOT during acceptable business hours. There is a woman's voice saying Hello? Hello? Hello? and then it disconnects. I have an UNLISTED number so if they did not get it from me they ARE not supposed to call it. I use an answering machine that lets me literally hear the person's voice during the call so I can make sure I never pick up if I don't know who it is. If you don't pay for callerid you can get this type of answering machine for 15 dollars at Target/Walmart. If you have an unlisted number (not even information has it) and you ask how they got your number and tell them they are not allowed to call; if they do not immediately hangup and NOT CALL YOU AGAIN, by law you are allowed/supposed to report them.

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