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8130006846 / 813-000-6846 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 813/000/6846 - 813.000.6846 - 8130006846 - 813 000 6846
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8130006846 User Reports

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29th Dec, 2009 by Beth
Reported Number: 813-000-6846
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Called our office. It's an automated phone service that identifies itself as "Sarah with Card Holder Services" who is calling regarding your eligibility to lower your interest rates. "To talk to a Customer Service representative about this offer, Press 9" - so I did. I was connected to a real life human being who wanted to know if I was interested in lowering my interest rates. I said no, that I was more interested in what company he represented. He replied Card Services with Visa/MasterCard. I asked him what his name was - which is when he hung up on me. I tried to call the number, but it comes back as "disconnected."

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