Caller Information 

8134204706 / 813-420-4706 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Prank Caller
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 813/420/4706 - 813.420.4706 - 8134204706 - 813 420 4706
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8134204706 User Reports

+ 1 Votes
7th Mar, 2010 by anonymous
Reported Number: 813-420-4706
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Same for me. I received a call too from this number around 4:45 AM but didn't recognize the caller ID so didn't answer it. Started wondering if someone I knew was in trouble, got up, and looked up the number. Thank you Silver for warning me about this pervert. He probably works nights and gets off around this time.
+ 1 Votes
5th Feb, 2010 by Silver
Reported Number: 8134204706
Caller type: Prank Caller
Phone owner: Unknown
Received call at 4:43. Thought I knew the caller. Not having my glasses on, could not read caller ID. Aware voice sounded muffled, as if trying to disguise. I realized I did not know caller and cut call off. Was leading to a sexual conversation. If he were here, what would I do to him, he wished he was here beside me, do I ever get loneley, do I trust him, he wants to send a friend, passing through Florida, to spend an hour or so with me so I would not be lonely. Asked a few more questions and answers weren't right. That's when I terminated the call and checked Caller ID. Don't know if this was a randomly dialed number or not. Was surprised to see the caller ID. Thank you.

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