Caller Information 

8375917732 / 837-591-7732 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Mr. Stanley
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 837/591/7732 - 837.591.7732 - 8375917732 - 837 591 7732
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8375917732 User Reports

0 Votes
1st Nov, 2010 by Songbird
Reported Number: 837-591-7732
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
We received in Maine, a threatening phone call from Mr. Stanley. As far as I'm concerned, that man can kiss me where the sun don't shine!
0 Votes
31st Oct, 2010 by John Hafner
Reported Number: 8375917732
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Mr. Stanley
It is important that you listen to this message in its entirety and respond. A file of yours was transmitted to my office prior to today date. I have assigned an intermediate of mine to contact you. They have stated they have left numerous messages on this recording device and you have not responded.It is essential that you respond to me or my administative assistant during normal business hour November 1 thorogh November 5 at 837-591-7732 ask for Mr. Stanley or his administrative assistant. If you donot respond by November 5 I will be forced to move forward on this matter

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