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8553819363 / 855-381-9363 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 855/381/9363 - 855.381.9363 - 8553819363 - 855 381 9363
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8553819363 User Reports

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21st Mar, 2014 by Tina
Reported Number: 855-381-9363
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I was called by a woman by the name of Rebecca from a restricted number stating that I needed to call 8553819363 with reference number 66196 and ask for Attorney Cedric Wilson. Apparently they want to set an appointment to deliever court documents to my home. However, I called a person I know that does that for attorneys and he said they never call to warn you about when they will will be coming. He always goes to their home and waits for them to show up and he delievers theirs documents then leaves. So I believe this is a scam

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