Caller Information 

8556342107 / 855-634-2107 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Dept Collector
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 855/634/2107 - 855.634.2107 - 8556342107 - 855 634 2107
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8556342107 User Reports

0 Votes
29th Mar, 2011 by B
Reported Number: 855-634-2107
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
Stated they were calling for a debt from 2007. I am almost positive this was paid so I told them I would pay it but I needed information in writing sent to me for my records. If the debt was valid I have no problem paying them. They refused to tell me the name of their company, refused to discuss payment options, etc. but kept insisting I tell them what bank I bank with, said derogatory things to me, said I was refusing to pay and there would be consequences, and even used foul language. When I called back they said that I was harassing them! All I wanted was to find out the company name to make sure they were reputable. Apparently not!

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