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8556688290 / 855-668-8290 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 855/668/8290 - 855.668.8290 - 8556688290 - 855 668 8290
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8556688290 User Reports

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29th Jan, 2012 by smart
Reported Number: 855-668-8290
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: donny
received a call from an unknown number claiming to be a county process server looking for me. I've owned my property for 22yrs and have never owed anybody. In all my years I've never heard of a process server ever calling someone before they're served a summons for court. Whats even funnier he left a phone number to call there office and find out what the charges are and maybe work something out??? Researched this # 855-668-8290 and found it be listed to a scam company called federal restitution services, a collection agency owned by a loser anthony gerace. This company is all over the internet and uses several other names like AMG & Associates, FRS & Associates and Alliance Management.. I contacted the State Attorney General's office and found they are violating the law by using illegal tactics.. Its only a matter of time before there scam comes crumbling down on them. Just cant believe people actually resort to crap like this to collect money

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