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8557981893 / 855-798-1893 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Ms. Vargas
According to 2 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 855/798/1893 - 855.798.1893 - 8557981893 - 855 798 1893
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8557981893 User Reports

0 Votes
13th Feb, 2014 by Connie Thomas
Reported Number: 855-798-1893
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Ms. Vargas
Caller claimed I owed for payday loan with mycashnow. First said I owed $2500 then someone else got on phone saying I could settle out of court for $1753 then ended up reducing amount to $1500 because I said I never borrowed that much money. She then said it was more because it had went to two collection agencies and would let me make 6 $250 installment payments
0 Votes
13th Feb, 2014 by Connie Thomas
Reported Number: 8557981893
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Ms. Vargas
Caller claimed I owed for payday loan with mycashnow. First said I owed $2500 then someone else got on phone saying I could settle out of court for $1753 then ended up reducing amount to $1500 because I said I never borrowed that much money. She then said it was more because it had went to two collection agencies and would let me make 6 $250 installment payments

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