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8558520234 / 855-852-0234 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 855/852/0234 - 855.852.0234 - 8558520234 - 855 852 0234
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8558520234 User Reports

+ 1 Votes
15th Mar, 2011 by legitimate
Reported Number: 855-852-0234
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
This is legitimate company. Like the other person, I spoke with a very respectful and intelligent person. As it turns out, this was not a valid debt, much as I suspected. However, the company at this number is as much the victim as I am as the problem stems from the account they purchased. If they call you, contact them.
0 Votes
14th Mar, 2011 by web user
Reported Number: 8558520234
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I got a similar call and message about the failed attempt to deliver documentation. Since I moved twice in the past year I figured it may be legit. I actually called back and did get through. Turns out they are representing an old landlord of mine that I stiffed on 3 months rent. I don't know how the heck they got my new number but regardless I was actually shocked that the person I spoke to was really easy to deal with and respectful. You don't see that to much these days. Since they were willing to work with me I guess I am going to pay the bastard.
0 Votes
14th Mar, 2011 by frustrated
Reported Number: 855-852-0234
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Got exact same call- recording called my cell and work number.
+ 1 Votes
14th Mar, 2011 by Concerned
Reported Number: 8558520234
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Tried to contact me several times. Documents came back. This is the last contact before legal proceedings.

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