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8583815529 / 858-381-5529 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 858/381/5529 - 858.381.5529 - 8583815529 - 858 381 5529
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8583815529 User Reports

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24th Nov, 2010 by Detective
Reported Number: 858-381-5529
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
We received a total of 4 calls from this number within a 24 hour period (3pm, 6pm, 12noon, 3pm). The first three calls seemed to have some activity in the background but no one responded at all. (The number traced out to land line in a Rancho Santa Fe (San Diego, California). The 858-381 prefix is managed by Teleport Communications Group - San Diego (OCN ID 7147) in San Diego, California. ) The featured a real live operator. I explained to the operator that this was the fourth call from her company within the past 24 hours and that I considered that a form of harassment. I told her that I needed to know where her company was located in San Diego so I could file charges for harassment. She informed me that she was actually calling from Bago City (or something similar), Philippines over a VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) it was about 4am in Bogo at that time. She said that she was calling for a Florida company: Local Business Services. The basic wage in Bogo is about $.63 per hour, the VOIP is almost free. Expect a lot more calls.

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